CSCP Briefings

Right Care Right Person - Implementation Principles

Right Care Right Person (RCRP) is an approach aimed at ensuring people of all ages receive the appropriate support from the right services at the right time. This briefing focuses on the implementation principles of RCRP specifically for children. This briefing serves as a resource for safeguarding partners, local authorities, and police officers involved in RCRP for children.

7-minute briefing: RCRP


Information Sharing

Information sharing remains a consistent theme from practice reviews. The collection and sharing of personal information is not forbidden by the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR. However, these laws provide a framework to ensure that personal information is shared appropriately. This means that personal information should be shared only when there is a lawful basis, a clear purpose, and adequate safeguards to protect the rights and interests of the individuals concerned. Learn more about how to apply them in practice using the briefings below.

This advice is intended for:

  • Individuals directly involved in child safeguarding, such as frontline practitioners, managers, and senior leaders.
  • Individuals and organizations working with children, parents, carers, and families in sectors like social care, education, health, justice, and the voluntary sector.
  • Practitioners working with vulnerable adults and adults who may pose a risk to children may also find this guidance helpful.

7-minute briefing; Information Sharing (PDF, 299KB).

DofE Information Sharing Advice for Practitioners, 2024


Unexplained deaths (under 1 year)

Of all 6,503 infant and child deaths occurring between April 2019 and March 2021 in England, 30% occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, and of these 64% had no immediately apparent cause.

SUDIC briefing (PDF, 277KB).

Serious Youth Violence 

The report aims to provide a proportionate and meaningful account of the support and interventions offered to the 7 young people and the outcomes of that support (particularly where support ceased) to add reflection and learning into the local safeguarding system. 

Snapshot of SYV Safeguarding Practice Review (PDF, 87KB).

7-minute briefing: Serious Youth Violence - Thematic Review


Learning from rapid reviews: Intra-familial CSA

This briefing aims to provide an overview of key findings and recommendations from a rapid review case involving intra-familial child sexual abuse.

7-minute briefing: Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse (PDF, 439KB).