Training stages

There are 8 training stages based on the pan-London competency matters guidance.

Stage 1

Required for staff group 1

Training to be received within one week of commencement of employment.

  1. Definitions of abuse
  2. Child development
  3. Awareness of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect
  4. Awareness of the organisation’s basic safeguarding children procedures
  5. Awareness of who within the organisation should be contacted regarding any concern about a child’s safety or welfare
  6. Awareness of who within the organisation should be contacted regarding any concern about a colleague’s behaviour towards a child or potential risk that they may present
  7. Awareness of the expected standards of behaviour by staff towards children

Course delivery

  • One to one supervision and induction, or group induction

Stage 2

Required for staff groups 1 and 2

Training to be provided within six months of commencement of employment.

  1. Documentation and sharing of information regarding concerns
  2. Using the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families: Own safeguarding roles and responsibilities

Course delivery

  • In-house group training (multi-agency if available)

Stage 3

Required for staff groups 1, 2 and 3

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  1. Working together to identify, assess and meet the needs of children where there are safeguarding concerns
  2. The impact of parenting issues, such as domestic abuse, substance misuse on parenting capacity
  3. Recognising the importance of family history and functioning
  4. Working with children and family members, including addressing lack of co-operation and superficial compliance within the context of role

Course delivery

  • Delivery: Multi-agency training delivered by, or on behalf of, the Local Safeguarding Children Board
  • In addition, single-agency training and professional development related to a specific role

Stage 4

Required for staff groups,1, 2, 3 and 4

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  1. Section 47 enquiries, roles, responsibilities, and collaborative practice.
  2. Using professional judgements to make decisions as to whether a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm
  3. Working with complexity
  4. Conducting Section 47 enquiries
  5. Taking emergency action
  6. Communicating with children in line with interviewing vulnerable witness guidance

Course delivery

  • Modules 1, 2 and 3: multi-agency training delivered by, or on behalf of, the Local Safeguarding Children Board
  • Module 4: additional single agency training (Social Care only)
  • Module 5: single/joint agency training (Social Care and Police only)
  • Module 6: joint agency training (Social Care and Police)

Stage 5

Required for staff groups 1, 2, 3 and 5 (and group 4 if advising staff from group 4)

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  1. Promoting effective, professional practice
  2. Advising others
  3. Supervising child protection cases

Course delivery

  • Multi-agency training delivered by, or on behalf of, the Local Safeguarding Children Board
  • In addition, single-agency training and professional development related to a specific role

Stage 6

Required for staff groups 1, 2, 3 and 6 (and group 4 if advising staff from group 4)

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  1. Supervising child protection cases and Managing performance to promote effective inter-agency practice
  2. Specialist training to undertake key management and/or supervisory roles in for example, intake/duty teams

Course delivery

  • Module 1: single-agency training and professional development related to a specific role. In addition, single-agency training and professional development related to specific role
  • Module 2: single-agency training and professional development related to a specific role

Stage 7

Required for staff groups,1, 2, 3 and 7

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  • Section 11 expectations, roles and responsibilities

Course delivery

  • Multi-agency training delivered by, or on behalf of, the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)
  • In-house and LSCB induction programme. National and local leadership programmes

Stage 8

Required for staff groups,1, 2, 3 and 8

Training to be provided within twelve months of commencement of employment.

  • Expectations on members to promote effective co-operation that improves effectiveness

Course delivery

Multi-agency training delivered by, or on behalf of, the Local Safeguarding Children Board.

  • LSCB induction programme
  • LSCB development days