The Children's Society is inviting you to join them for their latest #LookCloser programme of learning. They have developed sessions based on learning from The Children’s Society and wider partners to tackle the issues of child exploitation and abuse.
The CSCP training process is set for a significant upgrade with the introduction of a new, centralised platform. This new system will streamline training administration, offering practitioners enhanced control and visibility over their professional development.
Baby Eva was 4 months old when she was admitted to the hospital with a fracture. Subsequent X-rays revealed several fractures of different ages. Further investigation revealed a family history that should have influenced earlier identification of risk to Baby Eva. This was in common with other reviews, prompting a line of inquiry to consider the impact of previous learning from similar cases.
The National Autistic Society: World Autism Acceptance Week
Our colourful World #AutismAcceptanceWeek is back 2 to 8 April 2024! Come together to celebrate, fundraise, and help us create a society that works for autistic people.
Thousands of Croydon children who are eligible for and claiming benefits-related free school meals can now also have free activity clubs with healthy meals over the school holidays.