The Safeguarding Practice Review Group is tasked to:
- Identify serious child safeguarding incidents where a review would raise issues of importance in Croydon
- Commission an oversee reviews for those cases they consider it appropriate
- Ensure that action plans are drawn up in response to reviews, and that reviews are diligently followed to enhance processes and improve outcomes for children and young people.
Each SPRG member is tasked to:
- Take responsibility for the timely completion of the Rapid Review Information Request/IMRs/other documents required by the review coordinator. The forms may be completed by a relevant professional from their organisation, but the SPRG member is responsible for making contact with that professional as well as the quality and standard of the report.
- Liaising with the professionals from their organisation, who had contact with the child or family subject to the review, to ensure feedback about the purpose and outcomes of any review.
- Liaising with relevant professionals within their organisation, to determine whether they should attend SPRG Panels or other meetings (agreement from the Chair of these meetings will need to be sought by the coordinator)
- Informing their organisation’s press office and ensuring any communication about publication of any review is shared with their organisation.
- Prepare for all meetings by reading papers in advance and, by sending papers or reports in accordance with deadlines set by the coordinators. Attend SPRG/RR meetings or ensure a proxy of similar seniority attends in their place.
- Follow up actions arising from meetings to be addressed between meetings and in accordance with deadlines set by coordinators.
- Be involved in safeguarding learning and practice improvement,
- Take responsibility to influence their own agency/service safeguarding learning approach and implementation
- To report on the sharing of/impact of learning in their organisation
Membership & Quoracy
Membership will be formed of representatives of the three statutory safeguarding partners plus representation from other relevant agencies as follows:
Directorate |
Role |
Chair | Rotating Lead from CSC/Police/Health |
Deputy Chair | Rotating Lead from CSC/Police/Health |
Independent | Independent Scrutineer |
CSCP Business Team | CSCP Project Officer |
CSCP Business Team | Administrator |
CAMHS / SLaM | Associate Director Safeguarding Lead |
Children, Young People & Education | HOS Early Help & CSC |
Children, Young People & Education | QA/Performance Improvement Manager |
Children, Young People & Education | Youth Justice Service |
Children, Young People & Education | Director of Education |
Children, Young People & Education | Service Manager Early Years/PAIRS |
Croydon Health Services (CHS) | Named Nurse |
Croydon Integrated Care Board (ICB) | Designated Doctor Child Protection |
Croydon Integrated Care Board (ICB) | Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children |
LBC Housing Safeguarding | Safeguarding lead (post currently vacant) |
LBC Public Health | Public Health Principle |
Metropolitan Police | Detective Inspector |
Quoracy is achieved by the attendance of: Croydon Children’s Social Care, Croydon Health (ICB), & the Police.
Frequency & Standing Items
- Frequency - The Safeguarding Practice Review Group will meet six times a year / bi-monthly.
- Standing Items include:
- Summary of Reviews
- Partnership updates
- Confirmation of previous minutes & actions.
- The SPRG Meeting Schedule (circulated with papers)
- The Chair is rotated, agreed in advance as per the Meeting Schedule
- These terms of reference should be updated every 2 years.