Transitional Safeguarding: A Knowledge Briefing for Health Professionals

1 December 2023

From the Briefing:

"We know that too many young people across the country face gaps in support as they make the journey into adulthood, despite the best efforts of professionals, and that each young person’s experience of this journey is unique. A young person may face harm or adversity for a number of complex reasons, and their vulnerability has little to do with their 18th birthday. Transitional Safeguarding is a concept that aims to create a more fluid and effective response for young people, by proactively responding to their needs so they do not face a ‘cliff-edge’ in support. In Haringey we have been working to put this concept into action, aiming to shift our approach from one that focuses on eligibility to one that focuses on human experience. Innovation is always challenging, and so the quality of collaboration between children’s and adult services within the council, and across the multi-agency partnership, is key to our progress. Health partners have a particularly vital role to play in the development of Transitional Safeguarding, both locally and nationally.


See the full briefing here:

Transitional Safeguarding | Research in Practice