Reviews and briefings

Learning from local and national reviews is an important way to improve the safeguarding practices for children and young people. Reviews can identify what works well and what needs to change, as well as highlight good practices and lessons learned. By sharing the findings and recommendations of reviews, agencies can learn from each other and implement changes.

CSCP Briefings

The CSCP Briefing documents are concise summaries that address safeguarding issues. They inform practitioners and decision-makers about the context, implications, and recommendations from safeguarding reviews. 

View briefings here

Local Safeguarding Practice Reviews

A child safeguarding practice review is a process that aims to identify and learn from the factors that contributed to a serious incident involving a child. The review is led by an independent practitioner who has expertise in child protection and relevant fields.

View full reports and 7-minute briefings.

National Learning

The National Safeguarding Panel Review: ‘It was hard to escape - safeguarding children at risk from criminal exploitation’.

National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) Thematic Report on Deaths of children and young people due to traumatic incidents.